Skip to main content The Ombuds Can
- Serve as a confidential sounding board
- Help you explore and evaluate options when you are unsure how to proceed
- Connect you to appropriate university resources
- Coach you in preparation for a difficult or sensitive conversation
- Help you find information about Northeastern University policies and procedures
- Look into a concern with your permission
- Engage in shuttle diplomacy to facilitate productive communication
- Conduct informal mediation to address issues constructively
- Facilitate discussions for teams or groups
- Give feedback to the University about systemic issues
The Ombuds Cannot
- Make decisions for others
- Make, change, or set aside policies or administrative decisions
- Provide legal advice or psychological counseling
- Serve as agent of notice for Northeastern
- Take sides in any dispute
- Be made part of any disciplinary process
- Participate in formal adjudicative or investigative processes
Topics You May Want to Discuss:
- Interpersonal conflicts or tensions
- Communication difficulties
- Questions or issues about University policy
- Fair and equitable practices
- Belonging and inclusion concerns
- Institutional delays/non-responsiveness
- Restructuring or reorganization
- Career advancement, security, or satisfaction
- Tenure-related concerns
- Access to resources or physical space
- Seeking or making an apology
- Academic freedom
- Work-related stress and workload
- Potential conflicts of interest
- Concerns about a colleague
- Workplace harassment, bullying, or retaliation
- Ethical dilemmas or inappropriate behavior
- Environmental, health, or safety issues
- Anything else that is affecting you at work